Current Projects
- Joint Lab Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
VW Sprung [2023-2028] - FRED – Frischemanagement von Farm2Fork in der Edge
Sub-Project: Trusted Edge Infrastructure and Explainable AI for the Optimization of the Food Supply Chain
BMWK [2022-2025] - Edge-supporting Nomadic CAMPus-Networks for Spot-Farming
Sub-Project: Dynamic Edge/Cloud Migration via an adaptive Internet-Connection of nomadic Campus-Networks for Spot-Farming
BMDV [2023-2024] - COntinue TeleTeaching as GErman Support for Computer Science at LPNU (COTTAGES 4 CS @ LPNU)
DAAD [2022-2024] - Green Segment Routing
DFG [2022-2026] - Robust Networking for Cyber Physical Systems
HARTING [seit 2016] - BonnMotion
[since 2005]
Old Projects
- CARPE MEMORIAM - A multi-actor digital memory of land plots for increasing efficiency in agriculture
BMBF [2020-2022] - Open source modular system for agile prototyping of laser-based sensors (OPTOCUBES)
BMBF [2020-2022] - Trace-based Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Human Mobility with Exploration of Geographic Restrictions for the Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communication Networks (TAMER)
DFG [2015-2021] - Open software-platform for service innovation in a value added network for agriculture (ODiL)
BMBF [2016-2019] - Next Generation Traffic Engineering for Carrier IP Networks
Deutsche Telekom, Detecon [2015-2019] - Wireless Sensors for Condition Monitoring (WiSe4CoMo)
HARTING [2014-2016] - RFID Speed
HARTING [2013-2015] - RFID im Steckverbinder
HARTING [2013] - Enquête - Entwicklung eines preiswerten Gefahrstoffsensors für Massenanwendungen
[2009-2012] (Uni-Bonn) - Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence (FP7-CONet)
[2008-2012] (Uni-Bonn) - Wireless Sensor Network Lab (WSNLAB)
[2010-2011] (Uni-Bonn) - Transportlayer Adaptations for Sensor Datafusion Applications
[2009-2010] (Uni-Bonn) - Responsive Intrusion Detection for Tactical Adhoc Networks (RITA)
[2008-2010] (Uni-Bonn) - Mobiles Führungs- und Kommunikationssystem für Kriseneinsätze mit Unterstützung durch unbemannte Aufklärung (MOKKA)
[2008] (Uni-Bonn) - Mobile Intrusion Detection for Tactical Environments (MITE)
[2005-2008] (Uni-Bonn) - Intrusion-Detection at the PSAP
[2005-2006] (Uni-Bonn) - Modelling Mobility and Traffic for Disaster Area Scenarios
[2004-2008] (Uni-Bonn)
Cooperation Partnerships